Relationship between spirit, emotion and cancer

Spirit and cancer

The connection between spirit and cancer can be explored from various perspectives, including psychological, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Modern medicine believes that human diseases are related to biological, psychological and social environment. Therefore, we should consider these three aspects in order to prevent and treat diseases. Human cancer is a kind of disease, and its occurrence is also related to biological factors, psychological factors and social environmental factors. Spirit and emotion are the concrete manifestations of psychological factors.

Relationship between spirit, emotion and cancer
Relationship between spirit, emotion and cancer

The quality of spirit and emotion is closely related to the occurrence and development of cancer.

Chinese traditional medicine believes that the tumor is due to depression, spleen and stomach injury and other reasons. Zhudanxi, an ancient Chinese doctor, believed that breast cancer was caused by bad emotions such as constant sadness, depression and anger.

Doctor Karen of ancient Greece once noticed that melancholy women were more likely to get cancer than optimistic women. Peggett, a 19th-century doctor, said: after being worried, worried and disappointed, cancer tends to take advantage of the situation, and there are countless such cases.

By the 1950s, an American psychologist named Lawrence had investigated a group of cancer patients. He found a characteristic that most of the cancer patients began to experience the sadness of losing their parents or relatives from childhood. The experience of bereavement has developed their personality of silence and few words. As adults, they become unsociable, lack enthusiasm for work and ideals of life, and often feel self pity and melancholy. In their long life, they often indulge in hopelessness or loneliness.

Dr. barthelush, a German scholar, investigated more than 8000 different cancer patients and found that most of the patients’ cancers occurred in the period of disappointment, loneliness and depression, which are serious mental stress.

Dr. Steven Greer observed 160 breast patients admitted to London hospitals, some of whom were cancer patients and some were not. Dr. Zhang found that 60% of non breast cancer patients can express their emotions freely, only 1 / 3 of breast cancer patients can do this, and the remaining 2 / 3 tend to suppress their emotions.

In the 1980s, a hospital in Shanghai investigated 200 patients with gastric cancer and found that they shared long-term emotional depression and family disharmony. Comparing a group of data in Beijing, it was found that 76% of cancer patients had obvious adverse psychological stimuli in the past, while only 32% of general patients had obvious adverse psychological stimuli.

Many of the above investigations and studies show that bad spirit, mood, bad psychological state and social stimuli are strong cancer promoters.

Emotion and cancer

The connection between emotion and cancer is a topic of considerable interest and research.Bad spirit and mood have obvious cancer promoting effect. Is there any experiment to further prove it?

There are examples of animal experiments. For example, someone artificially caused mental tension on 6 dogs for a long time. Among them, 3 dogs died of cancer at about 16 years old. At the same time, 4 dogs lived in a more normal environment with the same feed as the control group. These four dogs live forever and do not get cancer. This shows that the long-term panic and fear of experimental animals, and the lack of good rest will reduce the anti-cancer ability of animals and make them more prone to cancer.

A doctor tested a group of women whose husbands died of cancer and found that the vitality of lymphocytes in their bodies that can kill cancer cells was significantly decreased, indicating that the immune function of these women was decreased. Now we know that if a person is unhealthy, it should include two aspects, one is physical pain, the other is mental and emotional ill health, such as long-term panic, fear, grief, anger, tension, dissatisfaction, anxiety, family disharmony and so on.

The immune function of people with the above conditions is decreased. The decline of immune function makes people more likely to get sick and cancer. It is now known through research that long-term mental and emotional problems, endocrine imbalance and lymphatic system dysfunction are the reasons for the decline of immune function.

It shows that the immune ability affects the development of cancer. There are also the following examples

In clinical practice, we can see such an example: one or two years after the death of the husband due to illness, the wife developed cancer due to long-term depression, which occurred when the immune function in the body was reduced. Some people did not have cancer symptoms before death, and were found to be cancer patients during postmortem autopsy.

It is possible that the immune function of the patient before death controlled the development of cancer. There was also a gastric cancer patient who lived a normal life for 19 years after surgical treatment. It was found that cancer cells had metastasized in the intra-abdominal lymph nodes due to appendicitis surgery. This shows that due to normal immune function, the patient and cancer cells coexisted peacefully for 19 years.

How to prevent cancer mentally and emotionally?

We should keep optimistic mood, cheer up, be good at self comfort, self relief, work hard and relax, maintain good colleague relations, good group and family relations, and avoid anxiety, anger or depression, which is very beneficial to the prevention of cancer.

Some people mistakenly believe that “cancer is incurable”. Although he has been properly treated after suffering from cancer, he is still very nervous, depressed, not interested in everything, can’t sleep well, and can’t eat well. Like this, his immune function will be reduced, which is conducive to cancer recurrence or metastasis. We should explain this situation and cultivate optimism. In the past ten years, medical research at home and abroad has made great progress, and many early and middle stage cancer patients can be cured; Even for late stage patients, after reasonable treatment, some may be cured, and the other part can relieve pain and prolong life.

Therefore, cancer patients should establish the confidence to overcome cancer and have a good mental state. Actively cooperate with medical staff to mobilize the immune function in the body and fight against cancer. No matter how good the treatment is, it is difficult to fully show the curative effect if you can’t cheer up mentally. Spirit and emotion.

A bad mood can aggravate the condition, and an optimistic mood can improve the condition.

Research at Karolinska Institutet has explored the relationship between psychological factors, such as depression and stress, and the risk of developing breast cancer. Findings suggest that certain emotional states may be associated with an increased risk, highlighting the importance of mental health in cancer prevention.

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