Gastric cancer symptoms

Gastric cancer symptoms
Gastric cancer symptoms

(1) Gastric cancer symptoms:

When micro-cancer or early-stage cancer is present, there are usually no obvious subjective symptoms clinically. As the lesion develops, the tumor grows, bleeds, and affects gastric function or the overall condition, resulting in varying degrees of subjective symptoms. However, these symptoms are not unique to gastric cancer, and their manifestations are often similar to those of gastritis, gastric ulcers, or upper gastrointestinal diseases. Without special examinations, a definitive diagnosis cannot be made.

  • Stomach pain
    This is the most common symptom of gastric cancer and appears early on. Initially, there may be discomfort in the upper abdomen, bloating, heaviness, or vague pain in the pit of the stomach. These symptoms can be temporarily relieved with treatment for gastritis or ulcer disease. It is not until the further development of gastric cancer, when pain becomes more frequent and severe, even presenting with black stools and vomiting, that it attracts attention. By this time, the disease is usually in the middle or late stages, with poorer treatment outcomes. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the non-specific symptom of “stomach pain.” Particularly when the symptoms recur soon after treatment relief, do not wait for the typical symptoms of “pain with irregular rhythm” and “eating does not alleviate the pain.” Consider further examinations promptly to avoid missing the best treatment time. If pain persists and radiates to the back and waist, it may indicate advanced symptoms of gastric cancer invading the pancreas.
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss, and fatigue
    These symptoms can appear early on and may not be accompanied by stomach pain. When these symptoms occur together with stomach pain, they should be taken more seriously. Many patients experience fullness and belching after meals, automatically limiting their diet and gradually losing weight.
  • Malignant vomiting
    This symptom is often caused by tumor obstruction or gastric function disorders. Cardia cancer can cause difficulty in eating, and even swallowing. Antrum cancer can cause pyloric obstruction and vomiting, with the vomit having a fetid smell or containing yesterday’s food.
  • Bleeding and black stools
    Small amounts of bleeding can only be detected as positive fecal occult blood (test), while larger amounts of bleeding can cause hematemesis and black stools. When elderly people have black stools, the possibility of gastric cancer should be considered.
  • Other symptoms
    Some patients may experience diarrhea or constipation, lower abdominal discomfort, enlarged supraclavicular lymph nodes, ovarian tumors, abdominal masses, etc.

(2) Physical Signs (Gastric cancer symptoms):

Generally, gastric cancer patients do not have obvious physical signs, but a few may exhibit the following conditions:

  • Upper abdominal tenderness
    Some patients may have mild tenderness in the right upper abdomen. When the lesion is large and the ulcer involves the muscular layer and serous layer of the stomach, the patient may be afraid of deep pressure on the upper abdomen and may exhibit muscle tension and rebound pain.
  • Abdominal masses
    A mass can be palpated in the upper abdominal region of the stomach, and gastric antrum cancer is more common on the right upper abdomen. The mass is firm, and when the tumor infiltrates surrounding tissues, the mobility of the mass is significantly limited. If the primary tumor is accompanied by pelvic lymph node metastasis or pelvic implantation, rectal examination through the anus can detect bladder or uterine rectal metastatic nodes, which indicate advanced disease.
  • Metastatic lymph nodes
    In addition to the lymph nodes surrounding the abdominal tumor, the left supraclavicular lymph node has the highest metastasis rate, reaching about 10%.
  • Widespread metastasis
    In the late stage of gastric cancer, liver, lung, bone, kidney, and nervous system metastases can occur. When gastric cancer invades the serous membrane, cancer cells may shed and cause widespread peritoneal implantation metastases, leading to ascites. As the condition worsens, patients may exhibit weight loss, bleeding, anemia, pyloric or intestinal obstruction; enlarged liver, jaundice, ascites, and cachexia.

Etiological Research on Gastric Cancer by a European Research Institution

Gastric cancer, also known as stomach cancer, remains a significant global health issue, particularly in certain geographical regions and among older populations. A prominent European research institution, the European Cancer Research Institute (ECRI), has been at the forefront of investigating the causes of gastric cancer, aiming to enhance prevention strategies and improve patient outcomes.

The European Cancer Research Institute (ECRI) is a leading multidisciplinary research center headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. With a focus on translational research, ECRI integrates basic science, clinical research, and population studies to advance the understanding and treatment of cancer. The institute collaborates with universities, hospitals, and other research institutions across Europe to leverage collective expertise in oncology.

ECRI’s research on gastric cancer is comprehensive, addressing both environmental and genetic factors that contribute to the development of the disease. The study encompasses several key areas:

  1. Epidemiological Studies: Analyzing population-based data to identify patterns and risk factors associated with gastric cancer, including dietary habits, smoking, and exposure to environmental carcinogens.
  2. Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology: Investigating the genetic predispositions and molecular alterations that increase the risk of gastric cancer, including studies on inherited genetic mutations and epigenetic changes.
  3. Helicobacter pylori Infection: Examining the role of H. pylori, a bacterium linked to chronic gastritis and gastric cancer, in the pathogenesis of the disease, including virulence factors and host-pathogen interactions.
  4. Dietary and Nutritional Factors: Assessing the impact of dietary components, such as salt intake, nitrates, and antioxidant-rich foods, on gastric cancer risk.
  5. Prevention and Early Detection: Developing strategies to reduce the incidence of gastric cancer through vaccination against H. pylori, dietary modifications, and screening programs.

ECRI’s research has yielded several significant findings that have contributed to the understanding of gastric cancer etiology:

  1. Identification of Risk Factors: The studies have confirmed the strong association between H. pylori infection, certain dietary habits, and the development of gastric cancer. Additionally, the research has highlighted the role of genetic variations in increasing cancer susceptibility.
  2. Molecular and Genetic Insights: ECRI has made advancements in identifying key genetic and epigenetic markers that predict gastric cancer risk, which has implications for personalized medicine and targeted prevention strategies.
  3. Role of H. pylori: Research has shown that eradication of H. pylori can reduce the risk of gastric cancer, leading to recommendations for testing and treatment in high-risk populations.
  4. Dietary Recommendations: Based on the research outcomes, ECRI has advocated for public health campaigns promoting a diet rich in antioxidants and low in carcinogenic compounds.

The European Cancer Research Institute’s extensive research on gastric cancer has significantly advanced our understanding of the disease’s causes. These findings not only enhance our knowledge of the pathogenesis of gastric cancer but also provide crucial guidance for developing effective prevention and treatment strategies. ECRI’s ongoing work continues to be instrumental in the fight against this challenging disease.

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